Flash photography, Comfort, Happy, Gesture, Shorts

Making your homes fit for the longer-term

Working with more accurate data and embracing technology improves how we inform our planning, so we can guarantee we’re investing in the right homes at the right time.

Introducing home health checks

We introduced the home health check pilot this year to proactively check for any issues with our customers, such as condensation and mould, during an existing visit. A quick assessment helps customers to identify and put in place, easy, preventative measures with expert guidance; and we carry out repairs and support where needed. Using accurate information, we pre-empt any future issues and specific repairs, and continue to help customers avoid issues returning or even ever starting. We are aiming to develop this wider next year. 

Land lot, Building, Plant, Sky, Window, Property, Door, House, Grass, Cottage

It's important we supply alternative housing delivery options, such as community land trusts (CLTs), which can help tackle the lack of affordable housing while being sensitive to the needs of local communities.  

We are a leading housing association provider of community land trust partnerships, having delivered 13 CLT schemes to date. These schemes give local communities control over the design and affordability of the homes that customers want built.  

Our CLT pipeline has been building and we have secured several new schemes, a number for which we will start on site in the next 12 months. These schemes in Devon and Gloucestershire will deliver 157 homes, taking our total number of CLT homes delivered to over 300.  

Supporting local communities  

Land lot, Urban design, Sky, Plant, Building, Tree, Window, House, Cloud, Neighbourhood

Shared ownership can provide a secure alternative to private rent and an affordable alternative to traditional home ownership by, for example, enabling people who are unable to get a large deposit together to still get a foot on the property ladder.  

Sales and enquiries for shared ownership properties
have been very busy. Customers continue to see shared ownership properties as an affordable route to home ownership, a good alternative to private renting, and
are sometimes drawn to the low-risk element. 

The demand for this type of housing has continued
this year, with sales of £48m for the year (387 affordable homes) at an average ownership rate of over 40%. 

Take a look at some real-life stories featuring customers who’ve invested in shared ownership homes this year:  

Providing affordable routes to owning a home