Jean Dalziel
Our performance
- 1,622 existing homes re-let in an average of 26.3 days after becoming empty
- 77% of customers found the lettings process easy
- 80% of customers were satisfied that the property meets their needs.
- 434 new homes let in an average of just 7.1 days
- 74% of new customers found the lettings process easy
- 77% of new customers were satisfied that the home met their needs.
New homes and customers
Customer services operations director
Customer accounts
We measure the amount of rent that hasn’t been paid against the rent which has been paid over the year to calculate our ‘rent arrear’ figure.
This year our rent arrear figure in our general needs, housing for older people and extra care homes is just 1.83% and we’re pleased that this has reduced from 2.02% the previous year.
Over the year we carried out 11,800 neighbourhood inspections, leading to nearly 21,000 actions including:
- 5,316 fire safety checks of communal areas
- 3,373 communal repairs reported
- 2,707 incidents of fly tipping reported
- 150 abandoned vehicles identified
Our teams also helped 387 families complete mutual exchanges to move into homes that were more suitable for them.
We know the hurt and distress that customers can feel when they are the victims of anti-social behaviour (ASB). We were pleased, therefore, to resolve 881 ASB issues, some 97.67% of all ASB cases that were logged during the year.
Service charges
A total of £13.8m was charged to customers to cover the costs of services delivered in 2021/22. Of this, 86.88% was recovered, equating to £11.9m.
- £10.5m was budgeted and charged to our customers during the year
- £1m was spent on management company costs
- £1.1m was spent on management fees
- £507k was spent on the cyclical programme (communal decoration paid by leaseholders only)
There was also an additional spend of £3.3m where we were reacting to situations which require urgent spend, which are costs we can’t predict at the start of the year. This extra spend covered various activities and improvements including:
- £611,721 on clearance of fly tipping
- £124,652 on tree works
- £355,116 door entry repairs
- £89,905 communal repairs
- £322,599 on repairs to lifts
- £121,523 on repairs to TV systems
- £439,510 on additional costs for sewerage treatment plants
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