Despite the pressures for some of you of finding work, claiming benefit, and dealing with the pandemic, we helped many of you to pay your rent by offering advice and support. We ended the previous year with debts equivalent to 2.02% of our annual rent income but finished the year with a debt equivalent to just 1.83%*.
We worked closely across teams to give you good quality and timely advice. Much of this advice was given on the phone or via email allowing us to deliver services in a timely manner. However, we will still visit you in person if you are better suited to this form of contact.
As we came towards the end of the year our rent increase letters resulted in some useful feedback for us. We had several comments and one complaint, telling us our letters were confusing. Work started to review these letters, involving our customers, to improve the letters ahead of more being sent out.
*This data relates to our General Needs, Housing for Older People and Extra Care properties
